Which study program have you chosen and what did you have in mind?
I was very much fascinated by technology during my childhood years, and when I attended school I was especially interested in the field of natural sciences. When it came to choosing a University study program, after finishing secondary school, I saw a lot of appeal in the discipline of mechanical engineering. The range of topics there is very wide and the practical knowledge provided in the given internships was therefore much more interesting. This I expected to see continued in my later professional life. Furthermore, I have found that the study program in mechanical engineering at the Deggendorf Institute of Technology (TH Deggendorf) has a very good reputation.
At the moment, you are writing your Bachelor’s thesis at the electrical department of our Deggenau company location – with what kind of topic have you been familiarised?
My Bachelor’s thesis deals with “The analysis of drifting movements in milling machines”. The milling machines, which are at the focus of interest, are being produced for the great design studios of the automobile manufacturers by the STREICHER subsidiary Kolb Design Technology. Within the framework of my own work, I am analyzing the various different influences on the precision of the milling machines.
How do you approach this topic and what kind of practical assignments do you carry out?
From past recorded surveys, we already have some existing data available, which now only needs to be subjected to a further analysis. The company of STREICHER holds for such purposes a multitude of measuring devices – such that we could use for these ends a laser tracker among others. Momentarily, I am taking charge of proceeding with further measurements, designing the testing object, executing the tests, and will then finally evaluate their results with reference to their applicability in the field of practical work.
You had been working at our factory formerly as a student intern. How would you rate your personal gains that you have derived from your previous activities at STREICHER?
During my student internship, I was familiarised at an early stage with the topic of my bachelor’s thesis. Accordingly, I had an early hands-on experience with the related software and measuring devices. The abstract theory of my studies was then upgraded with my practical experience in the field of robotics. While I am further elaborating on my topic, I am also increasing my ability to execute my practical items faster and more efficiently as an accompanying effect.
How shall plans go on for you after graduation from your Bachelor’s program?
I shall be continuing immediately with a mechanical engineering Master’s study program at the Deggendorf Institute of Technology (TH Deggendorf) in order to widen and deepen my existing base of professional knowledge. My future aspirations lie in acquiring the job position as a testing and project engineer.